SBI Clerk Exam Pattern and Selection Process 2024

The State Bank of India (SBI) has announced its Junior Associate (Clerk) recruitment for 2024. Aspiring candidates need to familiarize themselves with the SBI Clerk Exam Pattern and Selection Process to prepare effectively. This guide provides a detailed breakdown of the exam pattern, selection stages, syllabus, and key instructions to ace the exam.

sbi vacancy

Overview of SBI Clerk Selection Process And Exam Pattern

The recruitment process for the SBI Clerk consists of two primary phases: the Preliminary Exam and the Main Exam, followed by a test of specified opted local language for certain candidates.

SBI Clerk Vacancy 2024 Online Form

Selection Process

The SBI Clerk selection process comprises three stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination (Phase I)
  2. Main Examination (Phase II)
  3. Test of Specified Opted Local Language

Let’s delve into the details of each phase.

Phase I: Preliminary Examination Pattern

The Preliminary Exam is the first stage of the SBI Clerk selection process. It consists of objective-type questions divided into three sections. The exam is conducted online and is of 1-hour duration.

Preliminary Exam Pattern

Sl. No.Name of TestMedium of ExamNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1English LanguageEnglish303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability*353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability*353520 minutes
Total1001001 Hour

Key Highlights of Preliminary Exam

  • Each test has a separate timing as mentioned above.
  • There is a negative marking for wrong answers. 1/4th of the mark assigned to the question will be deducted for each incorrect response.
  • No minimum qualifying marks are prescribed for individual tests or the aggregate score.
  • Section-wise marks will not be maintained.
  • Candidates approximately 10 times the number of vacancies will be shortlisted for the Main Exam based on aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Exam.

Phase II: Main Examination Pattern

The Main Exam is the second stage and determines the final selection (subject to local language proficiency). It consists of four sections with a total duration of 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Main Exam Pattern

Sl. No.Name of TestMedium of ExamNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1General/Financial Awareness*505035 minutes
2General EnglishEnglish404035 minutes
3Quantitative Aptitude*505045 minutes
4Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude*506045 minutes
Total1902002 Hr 40 Min

Key Highlights of Main Exam

  • Each section has a specific time limit, as outlined in the table above.
  • Negative marking applies for incorrect answers. 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted for wrong answers.
  • Candidates must score a minimum percentage on the aggregate (5% relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/XS/DXS).
  • Section-wise marks will not be maintained.

Bonus Marks for Apprentices

  • Trained apprentices of SBI may receive bonus marks (2.5% of maximum marks, i.e., 5 marks out of 200) for successful completion of apprenticeship training.
  • Bonus marks are added to the aggregate score for candidates who completed the apprenticeship successfully before 30th November 2024.

Phase III: Test of Specified Opted Local Language

Candidates who qualify in the Main Examination will be subjected to a local language test to ensure proficiency in the opted language. This stage is critical for candidates applying to specific regions where local language skills are mandatory.

Exemption from Local Language Test

Candidates who have studied the opted local language as part of their 10th or 12th standard curriculum and can produce a certificate confirming the same are exempted from the local language test.

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2024

To excel in the exam, candidates must be well-versed with the SBI Clerk Exam Syllabus. Below is a detailed section-wise syllabus:

SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam Syllabus

  1. English Language:
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Cloze Test
  • Error Detection
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Para Jumbles
  1. Numerical Ability:
  • Simplification
  • Number Series
  • Data Interpretation
  • Arithmetic Problems (Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Speed, Distance, etc.)
  1. Reasoning Ability:
  • Puzzles and Seating Arrangement
  • Syllogism
  • Blood Relations
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Inequalities

SBI Clerk Main Exam Syllabus

  1. General/Financial Awareness:
  • Banking and Financial Awareness
  • Current Affairs
  • Static GK
  1. General English:
  • Advanced Grammar
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  1. Quantitative Aptitude:
  • Advanced Data Interpretation
  • Mensuration
  • Probability
  1. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude:
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Computer Basics
  • Input-Output Problems

Tips to Prepare for SBI Clerk Exam

  • Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.
  • Practice mock tests regularly to analyze performance.
  • Focus on weak areas and improve time management skills.
  • Keep updated with current affairs for General Awareness.
  • Solve previous year’s question papers to understand trends.

PAY SCALE For Sbi Clerk : Rs.24050-1340/3-28070-1650/3-33020-2000/4-41020-
The starting Basic Pay is Rs.26730/- (Rs.24050/- plus two advance
increments admissible to graduates).