The Indian Air Force (IAF) has laid out a detailed and structured selection process for the recruitment of Agniveervayu under the Agnipath Scheme. The process consists of three phases: Phase-I (Online Test), Phase-II (Physical and Adaptability Tests), and Phase-III (Medical Examination). Below are the comprehensive details of the selection process, including key requirements and important notes for candidates.

Air Force

Selection Process and Exam Pattern for Agniveer vayu Recruitment

Phase-I: Online Test

  • The first phase of the selection process involves an online test, which is critical for shortlisting candidates for subsequent phases.

    • Admit Card:
      • Candidates will receive their admit cards via their registered e-mail 48-72 hours before the test date.
      • It is mandatory to download and carry a color printout of the admit card to the examination center.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Exam Pattern 2025

Name of the GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionsSubject Wise TimeTotal MarksExam Duration


English2020 minutes7060 minutes
Mathematics2520 minutes
Physics2520 minutes
Name of the GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionsSubject Wise TimeTotal MarksExam Duration
Other than Science
Reasoning & General Awareness3025 minutes5045 minutes
English2020 minutes

Name of the GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionsSubject Wise TimeTotal MarksExam Duration
cience & Other than Science
Mathematics2520 minutes10085 minutes
English2020 minutes
Reasoning & General Awareness3025 minutes
Physics2520 minutes

Indian Air Force Exam Pattern 2025

The Indian Air Force Exam Pattern 2025 for the online test has been divided into three parts-

  1. For candidates with Science Subjects- The total duration of the online test shall be 60 minutes and shall comprise English, Physics, and Mathematics as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus.
  2. For candidates with Other Than Science Subjects. The total duration of the online test shall be 45 minutes and shall comprise English as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
  3. For candidates with Science Subjects & Other Than Science Subjects. The total duration of the online test shall be 85 minutes and shall comprise English, Physics, and Mathematics as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
  • Marking Scheme:
    • Each correct answer is awarded +1 mark.
    • No marks are deducted for unattempted questions.
    • A penalty of -0.25 marks is applied for each incorrect answer.
  • Normalisation of Marks:
    • To account for variations in the difficulty level of questions across different shifts, marks will be normalized.
    • State-wise shortlisting for Phase-II will be based on these normalized marks.

How to Prepare for Agniveer Vayu Written Exam

Angiveer Vayu 02/2026 Batch Online Form

Phase-II: Physical and Adaptability Tests For Agniveer Vayu

Candidates shortlisted from Phase-I are required to appear for Phase-II, which assesses their physical fitness and adaptability.

  • Admit Card for Phase-II:
    • Shortlisted candidates will receive their Phase-II admit cards via e-mail.
    • Reporting at the designated Airmen Selection Centre (ASC) with the required documents is mandatory.

Required Documents:

    • Admit Card: Phase-II admit card (color printout).
    • Application Form: Signed copy of the application form.
    • Educational Certificates: Original and four self-attested photocopies of Class 10th, 12th, and other qualifying exam certificates.
    • Domicile Certificate: Original and four self-attested photocopies.
    • NCC Certificate (if applicable): Original and four self-attested photocopies.
    • Photographs: Eight un-attested passport-size color photographs.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT):


Candidates have to complete 1.6 Kms run as per the following timings to qualify for PFT-II:-

TestMaximum permissible time
Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
1.6 Km runWithin 07 minutesWithin 08 minutes


Candidates who qualify PFT-I will go for PFT-II after 10 minutes of recuperation time. The sequence of exercises and maximum time period for male and female candidates are given below.

Male candidates

Male candidates shall also have to complete 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups and 20 Squats within the stipulated time as per the following to qualify in the Physical Fitness Test.

TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
10 Push-ups01 minuteTest will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run
10 Sit-ups01 minuteTest will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Push-ups
20 Squats01 minuteTest will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Sit-ups

Female candidates

Female candidates shall also have to complete 10 Sit-ups and 15 Squats within the stipulated time as per the following to qualify in the Physical Fitness Test.

TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
10 Sit-ups01 minute and 30 secondsTest will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run
15 Squats01 minuteTest will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Sit-ups

Note: Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/track pants.

Adaptability Tests:

    • Adaptability Test-I: A written test designed to assess the candidate’s suitability for deployment in various geographic and climatic conditions.
    • Adaptability Test-II: Evaluates the candidate’s ability to adapt to the military environment, including lifestyle and work culture.

Online Demo Mock TestCLICK HERE

Phase-III: Medical Examination

  • Candidates who clear Phase-II are subjected to a rigorous medical examination conducted by the Air Force Medical Team.

    • Medical Standards:
      • The examination will be conducted as per IAF medical standards, ensuring the candidate’s fitness for service.
      • Tests include:
        • Blood haemogram.
        • Urine analysis.
        • Chest X-ray.
        • Electrocardiogram (ECG).
    • Appeal Medical Board (AMB):
      • Candidates declared unfit during the medical examination can appeal to the AMB.
      • The appeal fee is ₹40/-, which is non-refundable.

Important Notes

  1. Candidates must carry original documents during the tests.
  2. DigiLocker-verified certificates are accepted with provisional approval.
  3. Rough work on admit cards is strictly prohibited.
  4. Candidates are responsible for their own safety during physical tests; consent forms are mandatory.
  5. Mobile phones, smartwatches, and electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the test areas.

For more details, visit the official portal: