SSC-Staff Selection Commission
Staff Selection Commission
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an organisation under Government of India to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in Subordinate Offices
This commission is an attached office of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) which consists of Chairman, two Members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations. His post is equivalent to the level of Additional Secretary to the Government of India.
The Estimates committee in the Parliament recommended the setting up of a Service Selection Commission in its 47th report (1967–68) for conducting examinations to recruit lower categories of posts. Later, in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, on 4 November 1975 Government of India constituted a commission called Subordinate Service Commission. On 26 September 1977, Subordinate Services Commission was renamed as Staff Selection Commission. The functions of Staff Selection Commission were redefined by The Government of India through Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and on 21 May 1999. Then the new constitution and functions of Staff Selection Commission (SSC) came into effect from 1 June 1999. Every year SSC conducts the SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination for recruiting non-gazetted officers to various government jobs.
कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (SSC) भारत सरकार के अधीन एक संगठन है जो भारत सरकार के विभिन्न मंत्रालयों और विभागों में और अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों में विभिन्न पदों के लिए कर्मचारियों की भर्ती करता है। यह आयोग कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग (डीओपीटी) का एक संलग्न कार्यालय है जिसमें अध्यक्ष, दो सदस्य और एक सचिव-सह-परीक्षा नियंत्रक शामिल हैं। उनका पद भारत सरकार के अतिरिक्त सचिव के स्तर के बराबर है। संसद में प्राक्कलन समिति ने अपनी 47 वीं रिपोर्ट (1967–68) में सेवा चयन आयोग के गठन की सिफारिश की ताकि निचली श्रेणी के पदों पर भर्ती के लिए परीक्षा आयोजित की जा सके। बाद में, कार्मिक और प्रशासनिक सुधार विभाग में, 4 नवंबर 1975 को भारत सरकार ने अधीनस्थ सेवा आयोग नामक एक आयोग का गठन किया। 26 सितंबर 1977 को अधीनस्थ सेवा आयोग का नाम बदलकर कर्मचारी चयन आयोग कर दिया गया। कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के कार्यों को भारत सरकार द्वारा कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत मंत्रालय के माध्यम से और 21 मई 1999 को फिर से परिभाषित किया गया। तब कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (एसएससी) का नया संविधान और कार्य 1 जून 1999 से लागू हुआ। गैर-राजपत्रित अधिकारियों को विभिन्न सरकारी नौकरियों में भर्ती करने के लिए SSC संयुक्त स्नातक स्तरीय परीक्षा आयोजित करता है।
Function of Commission
- To make recruitment to (i) all Group “B” posts in the various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India and their Attached and Subordinate Offices which are in the pay scales the maximum of which is Rs.10,500 or below and (ii) all non-technical Group “C” posts in the various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India and their Attached and Subordinate Offices, except those posts which are specifically exempt from the purview of the Staff Selection Commission.
- To conduct examinations and/or interviews, whenever required for recruitment to the posts within its purview. The examinations would be held as far as possible at different centres and successful candidates posted, to the extent possible, to their home State/Region.
- In particular, to hold Open Competitive Examinations for recruitment to the posts of:
- Lower Division Clerks in the various Ministries/Departments, Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Government of India including those participating in the Central Secretariat Clerical Service /Indian Foreign Service (B), Railway Board Secretariat Clerical Service and the Armed Forces Headquarters Clerical Service;
- Grade “C” and Grade ‘D” Stenographers of the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service and equivalent Grades of Indian Foreign Service (B) Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service/Armed Forces Head quarters Stenographers Service and to the posts of Stenographers in other Departments including Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Government of India not participating in the aforesaid Services;
- Assistants in the various Ministries/Departments including Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Government of India including those participating in the Central Secretariat Service/ IFS (B)/ Railway Board Secretariat Service/Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service;
- Inspectors of Central Excise in different Collectorates of Central Excise, Inspectors of Income-Tax in different charges of the Commissioners of Income-Tax, Preventive Officers and Examiners in different Custom Houses, Assistant Enforcement Officers in Directorate of Enforcement;
- Sub-Inspectors in , Central Bureau of Investigation and Central Police Organisations;
- Divisional Accountants, Auditors and Accountants under the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and other Accounts Departments and Upper Division Clerks in Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Government of India.
- Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical) in CPWD, a Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, General Central Services (Technical) post.
- Statistical Investigators, Grade IV of Subordinate Statistical Service (SSC), a Group ‘C’ non-gazetted, non-ministerial post in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
- Tax Assistant ( a Group C non – Gazetted Ministerial post in various Commissionerates of Central Board of Direct Taxes ( CBDT) and Central Board of Excise and Customs )
- Section Officer ( Commercial Audit), a Group “B” Non-gazetted post in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department
- Section Officer (Audit) , a Group B Non-Gazetted post in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
- The Commission also holds Departmental Examination for promotion from:
- Group “D” to Lower Division Clerk Grade of the Central Secretariat Clerical Service and equivalent grades in Indian Foreign Service (B)/Railway Board Secretariat Clerical Service/Armed Force Hqrs. Clerical Service;
- Lower Divisional Clerks to Upper Divisional Clerks Grade of the Central Secretariat Clerical Service and equivalent Indian Foreign Service (B)/Railway Board Secretariat Clerical Service/Armed Forces Hqrs. Clerical Service;
- Stenographers Grade “D” to Stenographers Grade “C” of the Central Secretariat Stenographers Service and equivalent grades in Indian Foreign Service (B)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service/Armed Forces Hqrs. Stenographers Service.
- The Commission conducts periodical Typewriting Tests in English and Hindi.
- The Commission prepares schemes for recruitment to all Group “B” posts which are in the pay scale of Rs 9300 to 34800 with a grade pay of Rs 42000 or below and Group “C” non-technical posts in the Ministries/Departmental of the Govt. of India including its Attached and Subordinate Offices in consultation with the Departments concerned.
- The Commission conducts examinations/selections for recruitment to all Group “B” posts which are in the pay scales the maximum of which is Rs.10, 500 or below and all Group “C” non-technical posts in the Ministries/Departments of the Govt. from time to time.
- The Commission performs such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Central Govt. from time to time.
1-सरकार के विभिन्न मंत्रालयों / विभागों में (i) सभी समूह “बी” पदों पर भर्ती करने के लिए। भारत और उनके संलग्न और अधीनस्थ कार्यालय जो वेतनमान में हैं, जिनकी अधिकतम सीमा रु। 10,500 या उससे कम है और (ii) सरकार के विभिन्न मंत्रालयों / विभागों में सभी गैर-तकनीकी समूह “C” पद हैं। भारत और उनके संलग्न और अधीनस्थ कार्यालय, उन पदों को छोड़कर, जिन्हें विशेष रूप से कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के दायरे से छूट दी गई है।
2-परीक्षाओं और / या साक्षात्कार आयोजित करने के लिए, जब भी इसके दायरे में पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवश्यक हो। परीक्षाएँ विभिन्न केंद्रों पर और जहाँ तक संभव हो, सफल उम्मीदवारों को उनके गृह राज्य / क्षेत्र में आयोजित किया जाएगा।
3-विशेष रूप से, के पदों पर भर्ती के लिए खुली प्रतियोगी परीक्षाएँ आयोजित करने के लिए:
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